O - Oral Presentation, P - Poster presentation
Paper No | Topic | Presentation mode |
15 |
Subacute neurocognitive impairment in organophosphate and carbamate insecticide poisoning |
O |
20 |
Prevalence of low birth weight and associated maternal factors in Vellavely Medical Officer of Health area |
P |
22 |
Patient centered attitudes of Sri Lankan medical graduates assessed by Patient Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS) |
O |
23 |
Developing a self-appraisal tool for intern medical officers in Sri Lanka |
O |
25 |
Student performance and perception regarding descriptive and clinical case based anatomy questions |
P |
39 |
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as a treatment for androgenic alopecia in males |
P |
42 |
Association between taste sensation and dental caries experience |
P |
43 |
Evaluating probiotic attributes of Lactobacillus sp isolated from |
O |
44 |
Factors associated with the uptake of cervical cancer screening |
O |
48 |
Burden of tobacco smoking and its awareness |
O |
53 |
Quality of life and co-morbidities among male patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) attending the District Chest Clinic Kandy |
O |
54 |
Hypolipedimic effect of water extract of Trigonella foenum-graecum seed |
O |
57 |
Physical activity patterns among persons with diabetes attending the National Diabetes Centre, Sri Lanka |
P |
62 |
Comparison of acute effects of fast tempo and slow tempo music on pre-competition anxiety level among university rugby players |
P |
65 |
A rare case of stomach perforation inside the thoracic cavity due to a congenital diaphragmatic hernia in an adult |
P |
66 |
Use of Information and Communication Technology for controlling Oral Potential Malignant Disorders in Sri Lanka |
P |
68 |
Positive findings and breast cancer: prediction through the mammographic x - ray examination among selected population, Sri Lanka |
O |
69 |
Comparison of wound healing potential of the papaya peel dressing with povidone - iodine dressing on diabetic foot ulcers |
O |
77 |
Biomonitoring of 18 trace elements in human hair and nail from inhabitants of Girandurukotte and Kandy by ICP–MS |
O |
79 |
Post–MDA surveillance for transmission of lymphatic filariasis in the Colombo and Gampaha districts of Sri Lanka |
O |
80 |
Review of literature in identifying biomarker profile for CKD-U |
O |
84 |
Is there any relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) selectedanthropometric parameters and body fat percentage? |
O |
85 |
Conflict between intellectual property and public health |
O |
88 |
Comparison of Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS 28) as composite measures to assess the disease activity in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in Sri Lanka |
O |
89 |
Awareness on informed consent among residents of Kandy district, Sri Lanka: a study from Bogahakumbura Division |
P |
91 |
Comparing the effects of general warm up and specific warm up on agility performance of rugby players in University of Peradeniya |
O |
94 |
Awareness of women about causes and complications of obesity in Keppitiwalana Grama Niladhari Division, Sri Lanka |
O |
98 |
Evaluation of probiotic attributes of lactobacillus species isolated from faecal samples of neonates |
P |
100 |
Relationship of the suprascapular neurovascular bundle to the suprascapular ligament: a cadaveric study |
O |
101 |
The superficial ulnar artery: an unusual origin and course |
P |
103 |
Evaluation of patient perception of maternity care in a tertiary hospital |
O |
105 |
Knowledge, practices and contributing factors for physical exercise among non-academic staff, University of Peradeniya |
O |
106 |
Palmaris longus muscle: prevalence of absence and |
O |
107 |
Anatomical variations in the radial artery observed in its origin and course, a cadaveric study |
P |
108 |
Survey on knowledge, attitudes and practices on urolithiasis among final year students in Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya |
O |
115 |
Cellular and virological changes with reference to cytopathic effect and virus load in dengue virus co-infections and super-infections in vitro |
O |
117 |
Pattern of seminal fluid analysis in a population of sub-fertile men attending to Urology clinic, Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya |
O |
118 |
In vitro evaluation of different surface topography for optimum cellular responses for bone substitutes |
O |
122 |
Oligoclonal band positive and negative Multiple Sclerosis: do they represent clinically distinct subgroups of Multiple Sclerosis? |
O |
123 |
Attitudes towards complementary and alternative medicine among second year medical, dental, nursing and physiotherapy students at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka |
O |
124 |
Prevalence and associated factors of soil-transmitted helminth infections among grade one students of selected government schools in Kandy Municipal Council area, Sri Lanka |
P |
128 |
Association between socio-economic status and demographical factors with health related quality of life in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis attending to the Rheumatology clinic of Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka |
O |
132 |
Unwrapping methods using face recognition and emotion
O |
137 |
Efficiency of a hydration plan on hydration level of elite female hockey players |
O |
139 |
In-vitro and in-vivo hypoglycemic effect of water extract of Averrhoa carambola L. (Star fruit) |
O |
144 |
Isolation and molecular characterization of Naegleria species in water bodies of North – Western province of Sri Lanka |
O |
147 |
Edge detection for facial emotion identification |
O |
148 |
Awareness and practice of ergonomics by dental students in clinical years |
O |
150 |
Knowledge and self-foot care practices among diabetic patients, attending General Hospital, Mannar, Sri Lanka |
O |
153 |
Occurrence of Aquaporin 4 receptor antibodies in patients suggestive of Multiple Sclerosis |
O |
159 |
Influence of preexisting cavitations in primary tract stones on success rate of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy |
O |
160 |
Distribution of bone metastases in prostate carcinoma: isotope (technetium 99m methylene diphosphonate) bone scans in a Sri Lankan population |
O |
168 |
Gender related differences of clinical, radiological features and oligoclonal band status among Sri Lankan Multiple Sclerosis patients
O |
169 |
Awareness, need and demand for replacement of missing teeth among partially dentate patients attending a university dental hospital |
O |
170 |
Occurrence of optic neuritis and visual evoked potential characteristics in a group of Multiple Sclerosis patients in Sri Lanka |
O |
171 |
Congenital renal and urinary tract anomalies in children |
O |
173 |
Denture hygiene and self-reported denture hygiene practices among a group of denture wearers attending a university dental hospital: a pilot study |
O |
177 |
Comparison of oligoclonal band numbers of western and Sri Lankan Multiple Sclerosis patients |
P |
180 |
Sub-hepatic vermiform appendix and associated anomalies: a case report |
P |
181 |
Effectiveness of punch skin grafts as a treatment for stable vitiligo: a pilot study |
P |
184 |
Practices regarding use of insulin among diabetic patients in selected hospitals in Colombo district |
P |
185 |
A randomized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of decoctions of Rathkaralheba (Cyathulla prostrata) and Hathavariya (Asparagus racemosus) in the treatment of Sravi arshas (bleeding piles) |
O |
186 |
Cost-benefit analysis of electronic medical records system in government hospitals in Sri Lanka |
P |
191 |
Face detection and emotion recognition by weighting the regional information of the face |
P |
193 |
Subclavius posticus muscle: clinical significance of a rare supernumerary muscle |
O |
194 |
Effect of micronutrient supplementation during altitude training on haematological and performance parameters of endurance athletes |
O |
198 |
Relationship between time of onset and the side in ureteric colic |
O |
199 |
Sexual dysfunction among male students of Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya |
P |
200 |
Antimicrobial activity ofpiper betelagainst Candida albicans and its effects on adherence to denture acrylic surfaces |
O |
211 |
Learning experience of medical laboratory students towards a self-study E-Learning resource : a preliminary study |
O |
215 |
Clinical audit on patients’ and operators’ experience on root canal treatments done under rubber dam |
O |
217 |
Study on patients’ awareness on ischaemic heart disease |
P |
227 |
Exploring perception on polypharmacy and drug adverse effects in a sample of post myocardial infarction patients
O |
228 |
Impairment of basic activities of daily living of an elderly semi-urban population in Sri Lanka |
O |
231 |
Clinical characteristics of young patients with myocardial infarction; A single center experience |
P |
233 |
Pattern of coronary artery disease when right coronary artery becomes a non-dominant vessel: a single center angiographic analysis |
P |
234 |
Pattern of diet, eating habits and Body Mass Index among patients with myocardial infarctions at a younger age |
O |
235 |
Comparison of coronary artery disease between young and elderly age groups in Sri Lanka: angiogram based retrospective study |
O |
237 |
Medico-legal interpretation of casualties presented with physical assault to Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya |
O |
245 |
Evaluation of self-perceived competencies of intern medical officers in Sri Lanka |
P |
257 |
Association between diabetes mellitus and fasting serum lipid levels along with few selected factors in a rural community in the district of Kandy, Sri Lanka |
O |
258 |
Association between hypertension and some known risk factors in a rural community in the district of Kandy, Sri Lanka |
O |
259 |
Comparison of emotional intelligence of two groups of medical students and their co-relations |
O |
271 |
Common health problems perceived by elders living in elders’ homes within Kandy Municipal area of Sri Lanka |
P |
283 |
Comparative analysis of the antioxidant potential of traditional and contemporary betel quids used in Sri Lanka |
O |
284 |
Relationship of internet addiction with depression, loneliness and health related lifestyle among university students |
O |
294 |
Longitudinal relaxation time analysis of pixel based magnetic resonance imaging parameter for potential acute myeloid Leukemia identification |
O |
295 |
Quality of working length radiographs taken and used by dental post graduate trainees during endodontic treatment |
O |
305 |
Ethnic tropism of Helicobacter pylori infection towards Tamil ethnicity in a Sri Lankan sample |
P |
307 |
Career preferences of medical students |
O |
310 |
Knowledge and attitudes towards patient safety among nursing students at three state Universities in Sri Lanka |
P |
311 |
Physical nature of culture media alters microbial amylase enzyme production |
P |
319 |
Formulation development and assessment of skin whitening efficacy of whitening cream of Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice)
P |
321 |
Audit on post-operative analgesia in surgical wards in General Hospital (Teaching), Peradeniya |
P |
324 |
Gastrointestinal parasites of captive, semi-captive and wild elephants of Sri Lanka |
P |
325 |
Incidence of dipterans causing myiasis in dogs and cats treated in two veterinary clinics in Peradeniya, Sri Lanka |
P |
326 |
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a model of pediatric chest positioning device with respect to image quality |
O |
329 |
Establishment of a PCR based technique for diagnosis of Trichomoniasis in patients attending the sexually transmitted disease and acquired immune deficiency syndrome control programme in Kandy, Sri Lanka |
P |
334 |
Chronic anti-inflammatory activity of Sudarshana powder on adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats |
O |
341 |
Dental morphology of Down’s syndrome children and adolescents residing in an institution in Jaffna, Sri Lanka |
O |
347 |
Evaluation of odontogenic tumors and cysts diagnosed by Cone Beam Computed Tomography at University Dental Hospital Peradeniya |
O |
348 |
Native valve endocarditis: a case report |
P |
350 |
Depression among head and neck cancer patients treated with chemoradiation |
P |
352 |
Changes of health related quality of life in head and neck cancer patients treated with chemoradiation |
O |
355 |
Assessment of the demography and common clinical symptoms among hypertensive patients in Sri Lanka |
O |
357 |
Heenbowitiya (Osbeckiaoctandra) prevents carbon tetrachloride (ccl4)-induced liver injury in ICR mice |
O |
361 |
Audit of current pattern of practice in prescribing medications for hypertensive patients in Sri Lanka |
P |
362 |
Knowledge, awareness, attitude and practice with regards to hypertension in a cohort of hypertensive patients |
P |
363 |
Prevalence of modifiable and non-modifiable cardiovascular risk factors in a cohort of chronic hypertensive patients |
O |
364 |
Stimulated single fiber electromyography in orbicularis oculi muscle in carbamate insecticide poisoned patients: a preliminary study |
O |
367 |
Effective induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes by PMDC derived exosomes for development of adaptive cellular immunotherapy/cell-free vaccine |
O |
368 |
In vitro anti-Candida effect of Sri Lankan virgin coconut oil
O |
369 |
Maxillary and mandibular arch dimensions of a Sri Lankan population : a preliminary study |
O |
378 |
Relationship between dental amalgam and oral lichenoid reaction/ lichen planus |
O |
379 |
Incidence of pulp exposure after removal of deep carious lesions in permanent posterior teeth of adults: a randomized clinical trial comparing stepwise excavation vs. indirect pulp capping vs. complete excavation |
O |
381 |
Social and Health impact of flying Hymenoptera stings: experience in a region of central hill country of Sri Lanka |
P |
383 |
Assessment of mothers’ knowledge about factors related to feeding their infants infants with cleft lip and/ or palate |
O |
388 |
Descriptive analysis and clinical outcome of patients presented with lower impacted third molars to the District General Hospital, Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka |
O |
389 |
Pattern of mandibular third molar impaction and its relationship to the inferior alveolar canal: retrospective Cone Beam Computed Tomography analysis in a group of Sri Lankan patients |
O |
393 |
Potential use of mechanical methods for sex separation of dengue vector mosquitoes for large scale laboratory rearing |
O |
400 |
Identification of mutations in BRCA1 exon 11 of breast cancer confirmed patients and in at risk individuals
P |
402 |
Patient radiation dose evaluation in dual energy x-ray absorptiometry at a selected private hospital |
O |
408 |
Estimation of radiation dose received by a nurse working in a Nuclear Medicine unit at a selected private hospital, Sri Lanka |
O |
410 |
Comparison of E-cadherin expression in node positive and node negative invasive breast carcinomas |
O |
414 |
Expression of ɤ-h2ax and p53 in oral cancer and oral potentially malignant diseases with areca nut history |
O |
422 |
Salacia reticulata (kothala himbutu) and Psychotria sarmentosa (gonika) extracts ameliorates ovariectomy induced bone destruction |
O |
428 |
Two case reports on dengue haemorrhagic fever complicated with abdominal compartment syndrome and acute liver failure |
P |
434 |
Assessment of dietary diversity among community dwelling elderly in Kandy district: a pilot study |
O |
439 |
Presence of abnormally positioned brachiocephalic artery and common carotid arteries in a female corpse: a case report |
P |
449 |
Evaluating probiotic attributes of Lactobacillus sp isolated from plaque samples taken from male adults with dental caries |
O |
450 |
Bisphenol A (BPA) impairs oocyte development via suppression of nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation and reducing the granulosa cells viability and functions |
O |
451 |
Modelling the primary auditory cortex hemodynamic response using fMRI data |
O |
463 |
Carrier status of pathogenic leptospires among swine slaughtered for human consumption in Sri Lanka |
O |
464 |
Analysis of maxillary sinus volume by Computed Tomography (CT) scan for age and gender detection in a sample of Sri Lankans |
P |
466 |
Study on physico-chemical parameters of atorvastatin tablets in the Sri Lankan market |
O |
476 |
Cytokine profiles in cutaneous leishmaniasis patients in Sri Lanka |
P |
484 |
Traumatic dental injuries in children treated at the Division of Paedodontics, Faculty of Dental Sciences |
P |
489 |
Modeling of the pelvic surface dose during chest radiography in female paediatric patients at a selected hospital |
O |
494 |
Evaluation of AGD in digital breast tomosynthesis relative to those in two-view full field digital mammography |
O |
496 |
Quadriceps angle of undergraduate students of University of Peradeniya |
O |
497 |
Diabetes mellitus and cardio vascular disease among undergraduates, University of Peradeniya |
O |
505 |
Knowledge, attitudes and practice of self-administration of insulin by patients with diabetes mellitus followed up at the General Hospital (Teaching), Kandy |
O |
510 |
Trend of mammography screening and distribution of risk factors among asymptomatic group of women in Kandy district, Sri Lanka
O |
512 |
Prevalence of risk factors of breast cancer among females of Yatinuwara Divisional Secretariat area in Kandy district, Sri Lanka |
O |
517 |
Morphometric assessment of cranio-facial complex of a group of Sinhalese in Sri Lanka |
O |
522 |
Rretrospective analysis of demographic findings and concordance between clinical and histopathological diagnosis of radicular cysts |
O |
523 |
Clinical presentations and management strategies of patients attending Dental Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya |
O |
529 |
Fractures of acrylic dentures: an analysis of patterns and associated factors |
O |
533 |
Expression of p16 gene in oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer- a preliminary study |
P |
535 |
Histological parameters and expression of EGFR and β – catenin in oral squamous cell carcinoma: a preliminary study |
O |
539 |
A preliminary study on the antimicrobial activity of traditional and contemporary betel quids used in Sri Lanka |
P |
540 |
Antioxidant activity of the herbal ingredients in traditional betel quid |
P |
541 |
Retrospective analysis of keratocystic odontogenic tumour in a cohort of Sri Lankan patients |
O |
547 |
A study on assessing the correlation between different methods of working length measurement in root canal treatment |
O |
549 |
Evaluation of treated traumatic dental injuries at 6 months in a group of children |
P |
554 |
Evaluation of cancer stem cell marker expression as a tool to predict survival and nodal metastasis of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma |
O |
555 |
Survey on issues on sub-fertile couples coming to the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya |
O |
556 |
Nutritional status of schooling adolescents in the Anuradhapura district- are we under-estimating obesity? |
O |
558 |
Antimicrobial activity of aqueous extracts of selected seaweeds against some human pathogens |
O |
568 |
Effects of dietary habits on red cell indices among female undergraduate students of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya
P |